Mellon Forum: Education + Urban Space

Mar 23, 2022, 12:00 pm12:00 pm
Betts Auditorium and Zoom link


Event Description

Spring 2022 Mellon Forum on the Urban Environment / Reframing Repair 

co-curated by Assistant Professor of Architecture Jay Cephas and HMEI/Princeton-Mellon Fellow Davy Knittle

Education + Urban Space


Akira Drake Rodriguez, UPenn, and John Higgins, Princeton

March 23 at 12pm EST

How does environmental injustice manifest in school buildings? How do urban planners and geoscientists consider the relationship between education and environmental justice?

Attend this discussion in Betts Auditorium, abiding by University event guidelines, or register in advance for this Zoom webinar:

Our theme for Spring 2022 is “Reframing Repair.” Repair has been a common subject of inquiry within interdisciplinary work on cities and built environments in recent years, especially as scholars have introduced new frameworks for analyzing crumbling social and physical infrastructures. We are particularly interested in addressing the topic of repair with skepticism, however, as we consider how to engage with places that perhaps cannot be repaired (as in the case of flood-prone coastal cities debating plans for managed retreat) and conditions that otherwise confound the presumptions underlying current discourses on repair. To that end, we ask how repair might be reimagined to center equitable futures, which necessarily means challenging how the language of repair has been used in the service of racist, anti-queer, trans-phobic, and ableist discourses and policies. It also means moving away from discourses of progress that have been deployed to justify harm to instead conceptualize new built environment possibilities that can intimately account for both the kinship networks and the non-human communities within which they are embedded. 

The Mellon Forum is sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, High Meadows Environmental Institute, Humanities Council, Center for Collaborative History, Department of Art + Archaeology, Department of English, and the School of Architecture.