HighWaterLine: New Jersey
Christina Gerhardt, HMEI, and Jerry Zee, Anthropology/HMEI
How will sea level rise affect New Jersey? In this session, Christina Gerhardt presents the HighWaterLine, a public-facing and public-engaging project, walking and chalking the future shoreline forecast by sea-level rise projections. The HighWaterLIne provides an opportunity to experience first-hand the future shoreline and to consider ways to address sea-level rise impacts, for example via urban and architectural design.
Click here to attend the discussion on October 27 in Betts Auditorium. You must have your PUID and follow University guidelines.
Click here to attend via Zoom link, open to both PUID and non-PUID holders.
This session will broadcast on Princeton University - Channel 7 LIVE *
As Princeton University and cities across the U.S. “return” to a pre-pandemic normal, the Fall 2021 edition of the Princeton-Mellon Research Forum on the Urban Environment asks the question, what does it mean to return? Under whose terms? As we reacquaint ourselves with in person learning and scholarly dialogs, our aim is to use this time to reflect on not only the events of the past 18 months, but the ways that this period has encouraged us to reframe the questions and categories that we use to discuss cities and the built environment. With the loss of millions of lives globally, a true return to normal is unattainable, and our individual and collective grief points to the impossibilities of return and/or its challenges. Yet, return can also mean remediation, both for communities, societies, and our environment. At the same time, return allows us to challenge the implicitly normative ideas of the future that undergird remediation projects. The framework opens up questions about whose ideas of the past and future dictate what constitutes a return.
This event will be at 12pm ET in Betts Auditorium. In-person attendance is currently available for registered Princeton University ID holders only and face coverings are required. In-person attendance is contingent on University guidelines for indoor events — updates will be posted as necessary.