
What do "we" want the post-pandemic city to be?
Phenomenology and Data / Wednesday, September 16 / 4:30 pm EST
Jocelyn Frank,
Shannon Mattern, New School
Dietmar Offenhuber, Princeton Mellon Fellow
To Register:
Sidewalks, public squares, shops, parks, and roads all look and feel different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, much of what we know about the city during this period comes from large data sets that provide information on public health, traffic patterns, and economic activity. This session will address what can be learned from everyday observations of the city, particularly under conditions of quarantine and social distancing, as well as the tensions that arise between individual experiences and abstracted data representations. Particular focus will be paid to how these experiences and observations of urban areas can help reimagine the city for the post pandemic world.
The Fall 2020 Princeton-Mellon Research Forum on the Urban Environment seeks to identify problems, present recent insights, and identify spaces of conflict and negotiation in the (post) pandemic city.
The Forum is organized by Dietmar Offenhuber, Princeton-Mellon Fellow, and Anu Ramaswami, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, and Princeton Environmental Institute; and Director, Chadha Center for Global India.
The Mellon Forum is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the M.S.Chadha Center for Global India, the Humanities Council, Center for Collaborative History, Department of Art + Archaeology, Department of English, and the School of Architecture. Mellon Forum events are free and open to the public.