Ph.D. in History, University of Chicago
B.A. in History, Columbia University
M.A. in History, University of Chicago
Dr. Sandoval-Strausz specializes in the social and cultural history of the nineteenth- and twentieth-century United States. His first book, Hotel: An American History (Yale University Press, 2007), won the American Historical Association-Pacific Coast Branch Book Award and was named a Best Book of 2007 by Library Journal. Reviews and interviews featuring Sandoval-Strausz appear in the New York Times, National Public Radio, The Economist, Bloomberg.com, Reason, Columbia, City Journal, the Glasgow Herald, The Age (Melbourne), Sotsial'nie i Gumanitarnie Nauk (Russian Federation), and Phoenix TV (China). Dr. Sandoval-Strausz is Associate Chair and Associate Professor in the Department of History at the University of New Mexico.