Cuban architect and architectural historian Eduardo Luis Rodríguez has spearheaded the study and promotion of Twentieth Century architecture in Cuba. He has served as curator of several major architectural exhibitions and authored numerous publications, including La Habana. Arquitectura del Siglo XX (Blume, Barcelona, 1998) and The Havana Guide, Modern Architecture, 1925-1965 (Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2000). Currently President of the Cuban Chapter of Docomomo International, he is also a member of the National Landmarks Commission and the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage. A Guggenheim Fellow, he served recently as a member of the Advisory Board for the Museum of Modern Art exhibition Latin American in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980. Mr. Rodríguez has received awards from the Venice Biennale (2000) and the International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA, 2008), among others. He lectures frequently in the international academic circuit and teaches seminars on the history and preservation of Cuban architecture regularly.